Member of the Association Professionnelle de Golf des Enseignants du Québec (APGEQ).

Louis is a sports enthusiast. Having played field hockey at a high level when he was younger, Louis turned to teaching tennis for 4 years, before perfecting his skills in a sport he considers to be complete, especially when it comes to technical and mental aspects: golf!

Louis is a cheerful person, always ready to help you and help you grow. It focuses on the fundamentals of the golf swing so that you can grow and improve over the long term.

Don’t hesitate to call on his services for all types of shots and/or playing strategies on the course.

Louis can also introduce you to the basics and ethics of golf. Individual or group lessons, Louis offers a range of packages to suit your needs.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Louis.





Member of the Professional Golf Association of
Quebec Teachers (APGEQ).

Golf is a very technical sport that requires
rigorous learning to master all the subtleties.

Passionate about golf since her teenage years, Elaine will teach you
the basics of golf, such as gripping the club, body position, movements
and postures to succeed in your shots. An excellent
communicator, patient and determined, she will guide you in
the technical learning of the swing, from the putt to the tee shot,
including approaches and exits from sand traps.

You will also learn how to manage strategy on the course,
analyze distances and control the trajectory of your balls.
Come perfect your game and have fun on the greens by
following these lessons.